Hi all:

I find that creating tables is quite an awkward process in LyX. What a 
shame -- the program handles everything else so gracefully.

I wanted to create a note about a couple of textbooks that I want to
sell at school; the usual stuff: 2x2 table on top with course number
in the first column, and book description in the second. Directly
below it -- 1x6 table with my phone numbers to be torn off.

I figured out I have to specify the table width in cm, but for some
reason it's indented from the left about 7cm, and I can only make it
10cm to fit into the page... How do I get rid of the indentation?
Further more, I tried to specify "Rotate 90 degrees"  in "Spec. Table" 
of "Table Layout", but LaTeX doesn't grok it, saying:"!LaTeX Error:
File `rotating.sty' not found. or enter new name. (Default extension:
sty)". Any ideas?

It seems like I need to use "Linebreaks" option in order to have
multiple lines in a cell. However, in some cells this option is greyed
out. It seems it is dependant on borders around that cell or smth
else... Also, I am unable to orient text in a cell vertically, and get
the same error message as above.

I read through User's guide section on tables, but didn't find any
help there. ;( Am I trying to acomplish too much at the current stage
of LyX's development?

FWIW, I'm using 1.03 compiled from sources on a Debian 2.1 system.

Arcady Genkin
"It seems as though I had not drunk from the cup of wisdom, but had
fallen into it." (S. Kierkegaard)

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