On 07-Sep-99 Oliver Eichler wrote:
>> Maybe, it depends if you can give me a real cause ;). Just telling I don't
>> like it and not saying what you don't like or how you would like things done
>> is not very helpfull.
> You are right :), I am sorry.


> single line. And I doubt a real wysiwyg is possible with latex in this case :)
> What about a table with mouse moveable lines as mentioned above plus a cell
> measurement around the table with an extra color? While moving the lines I
> can interactively see how the width is changing. Also it would be nice if lyx
> is limiting my table to a maximum of the printable area, taking the papersize
> and border sizes into account.
> I hope this gives you a better idea of what I wanted to say?

Yes it gives me a better idea and I'm sorry to have to tell you that this
isn't possible to change :( LyX is as you said WYSIWYMG and this is one
of the examples where you cannot get nearer to the WYSIWYG picture as it
is now.

What I'd like to change in tabulars is:

- allow more special LaTeX packages to work easier
- allow cell selection by row and column
- have the fixed-width of the cell displayed better and allow a automatic
  wordwrap inside a table-cell if this is a multiline-cell.

> click? Plus having a crosscheck if it makes sense with the currently selected
> amount of text to do so, for all the cases the selected text would span two
> pages and more.

I don't really understand what you did or what you wanted to do :), but
using minipages seems to me a bit wrong as minipages cannot span on multiple
pages. Could you give a small example? I think you just don't know how to
use the "Depth" button ;)

Greets Jürgen


Dr. Jürgen Vigna                      E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gerbergasse 60                        Tel:    +39-0471-450260
I-39100 Bozen                         Fax:    +39-0471-970042
ITALY                                 Web:    http://www.sad.it/~jug

The only reward of virtue is virtue.
                -- Ralph Waldo Emerson


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