I am working on a small technical document in LyX and have created a 
footnote that is a URL to a website.  It exports just fine into sgml but 
when I try to run sgml2html it chokes on the URL leaving a broken link in 
the document.  Here is the sgml of the relevant section.
name="Online Definition"> </footnote>
What seems to be happening is that sgml2html doesn't like the &method in 
the reference and thus chops it and gives this error:
/usr/bin/nsgmls:<OSFD>0:122:73:E: general entity "method" not defined and no default 
I realize this doesn't have much to do with LyX but I figure there must be 
someone on this list that knows more about sgml and sgml2html than I do. :)
Thanks in advance.
        +====== Andy ====== TiK: garbaglio ======+
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