>>Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 10:52:19 -0400
>>From: John Culleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: hollywood template.
>>Herbert Voss wrote:
>>Two commands  like that are commented out in hollywood.lyx. I
>>uncommented the first, went through texhash and reconfigure, called up
>>my document, and when I attempted to print a page got two errors. At the
>>very beginning I get the error:
>> LaTeX Error: Command headrulewidth already defined
>>      \newcommand{headrulewidth}{0.4pt}
>>...and at what is probably a page break I get the error
>>LaTeX Error: \headrulewidth undefined
>>      \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}
>>In the hollywood.cls file there are only two references to
>>headrulewidth, both of the form: 
>>...and both commented out. I uncommented one of these and that causes
>>the errors. BTW one of the instances of this command (the one I left as
>>a comment) is mispelled. 
>>There are no other references to headrulewidth in hollywood.cls so the
>>original setting (0.4pt) must be described in some other cls file or
>>If all else fails I will try a \def command and see if that works :-|

\headrulewith is a fancyhdr.sty command, so \renewcommand will fail
if fancyhdr is not called by hollywood.cls
If this class calls the older fancyheadings.sty, then the command is AFAIR


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