Hello Anna and Dekel,
> You can fix the problem in the eps file by running 
>  epstopdf Fig3.pdf
>  pdf2ps Fig3.pdf Fig3.eps
> (and the size of the result file is half of the original!)

I've also tried a little bit with the eps fiel. You are right after your 
'process' the Fig3.eps is half the sice but no longer displyable (at 
least on my system SUSE-Linux 6.3). The Fig3.pdf is nice, but Fig3.eps at 
the end always clears the page at the end.

I'm quite sure that the real problem is in the original eps file itselfe 
(which in fact does not disply yust the immage but the hole page). 
With LYX1.1.5.fix1 I can include the orig. Fig and see it. With 'View 
DVI' I get a reasonable output. But with view PS there is nothing 
happening. With export PS and starting ghostview externaly I get after 
the Fig is drawn the error:
Error: PostScript interpreter failed in main window.

So it seem for me that the PS-fiel has some strange commands at the  end. 
Unfortunately I'm not that familiar with PS-language. Maybe that the 
person you've got the Fig3.eps may export it in a nother way.

I don't know if that helps anybody, but good luck 

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