On Sat, Mar 14, 2015, Robert Susmilch wrote:
> I have Googled a way to refer to numbered equations in text, such as
> "See equation (3)" in Lyx but everything I read, whether from other
> users or wikis, suggests labeling the already numbered equations and
> then using the label to cross reference.
> This seems absurd ....

This has been discussed before on this list.  The requirement to have a
label makes good sense: how do you propose to refer to an equation that
does not have a label?  Remember that its number will change as equations
are added or removed, whereas the label will not change.

It seems like you may wish to have a cross reference that says the
following: "refer to the *current* equation (3), and update the number in
the cross reference if the corresponding equation number changes."  This
might be implemented by having LyX create a unique but hidden label for
every numbered equation, and providing some sort of user interface to
refer to it.

For good reasons or bad, this is not the way LyX and latex work.  Note that
numbered equations are no different in this respect than are numbered
sections, etc.

....dave case

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