I find, from experience, that the best thing you can do is learn biblatex.
Is this something you are willing to do? It has a very steep learning curve
but is very well documented and supported. Your problem is trivially solved
as well. Lyx can also use biblatex with a small amount of work that also
very well documented.


On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 6:22 PM, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com>

>   The natbib doc focuses on citation styles so I suppose that the
> biblography style is controlled by bibTeX. I've not before modified bitTeX
> and have no idea what or where to modify to produce the output I want.
>   The bibliography has the publication year at the end of each listing. I
> want it following the author(s) name(s). Please provide a pointer to a doc
> that will teach me how to do this.
> Rich

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