On Mon, 20 Jul 2015, Benedict Holland wrote:

I find, from experience, that the best thing you can do is learn biblatex.
Is this something you are willing to do? It has a very steep learning
curve but is very well documented and supported. Your problem is trivially
solved as well. Lyx can also use biblatex with a small amount of work that
also very well documented.


  Back when I was in grad school (and doing a post-doc) in the early Pleistocene
and publishing in journals the bibliographic style was Author. Year. Title.
Volume:pages. So, that's what I kept doing.

  I see now that the preferred style has apparently changed so that almost
all put the year at the end of the listing. Seems less than useful to me if
the citation is author-year, why not list the bibliography the same way?

  Anywho, it really is a very minor issue. After all, I don't read the
bibliographies in the white papers and other documents I produce for clients
and regulators that have a bibliography and citations in the text. :-) Since
it seems to be a hassle, I'll just let it go (again.)



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