On Fri, Nov 06, 2015 at 02:38:10PM -0800, Joon Ro wrote:
> As Vincent said, we'd LOVE to have more information about this bug.
>     It seems to happen only on some machines, so may have something to
>     do with what other programs are running, and so forth. If you can
>     experiment at all along those lines, or even try to keep track of
>     what you did right before the problem arose, we'd really appreciate
>     it.
>     Richard
> Will do - but do you know if this is a cross-platform issue or a 
> windows-specific one? I haven't had any luck pinpointing the culprit (or how 
> to replicate this), and it will be helpful to know if this is platform 
> specific.

I think that most of the reports we've seen have been Windows-specific.


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