Starting the original document with the global language settings activated the word "Seite" prints in the Nomenclature. After deactivating the global settings the correct result "page" is returned. After this first and only repair the correct result "page" is returned even when the global settings is reactivated and this is permanent.
Anyway, this was the behavior in the 40 pages original document.

I reported this to Günter and he commented:
In any case, you found a bug in LyX. The question is, whether it only appears in a very specific corner case or maybe is "self healing". If you can reproduce the problem with a minimal example, it would be nice if you could post it to the list or file a bug report at bugs.lyx.org.

The minimized example is attached.
However, very much to my surprise the behavior is now slightly different in that one may now repeatedly toggle the global language settings ON or OFF and will accordingly get "Seite" or "page".

I also found the culprit right on the front page:
Universität Leipzig
Institut für Linguistik
Beethovenstraße 15
D-04107 Leipzig, Germany
With these four lines removed the problem is also gone. (but of course, they are needed)

So, what have we here and where is my mistake?

LyX Document

Attachment: testfile-biblatex_oscola.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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