Guenter Milde wrote:

> It is "Tools>Preferences>Language Settings>Language>Set languages
> globally" which controls whether the language options are passed as
> global options to the document or directly to babel.

Sorry, I was too tired yesterday, and did not recognize the text in my 
german UI.

> Generally, it is good to have the options globally, so that other packages
> can pick this up.
> In this document, however, the indexing is confused somehow to use one of
> the secondary languages (given before "english").

Yes. It is a bug in nomencl.sty: It does not process global language options 
in the same (unintuitive) order as babel. The first language wins for 
nomencl.sty. I fear there is not much LyX can do, except looking for a 
better alternative for nomencl (it seems to be unmaintained).

> Maybe we need a document specific setting for this.
> (But see also my other post exploring the issue.)

I think so. In general, any lyxrc setting that changes how documents are 
exported to .tex is bad IMHO, since this makes documents depend on the 
installation. The lyxrc setting should be replacved by a document specific 
setting, and the default for this setting would then be determined by the 
template for new documents.


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