
I started a docbook document, hoping that this would be the base format for
conversion later to sgml, html, latex etc. Is that the right choice?

When I export the LyX-Docbook document as html or latex, the sgml2html/sgml2latex 

load_char_maps: no entity maps found
parse_data: no entity map for `[lowbar]'
parse_data: no entity map for `[quot  ]'
parse_data: no entity map for `[lsqb  ]'
parse_data: no entity map for `[rsqb  ]'
parse_data: no entity map for `[gt    ]'

As a consequence, the lowbar _, quote ", lsqb [, the rsqb ], gt >
all do not appear appropriately in the final document.

I found some info on the web, but I'm far too unfamiliar with the ins and outs of
this conversion. Is there an easy solution?


PS: I have SGML-Tools version 1.0.9 on my Linux Mandrake 7.2 PC.
LyX version is 1.2.0cvs

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