I'm trying to create an account statement for clients whom I invoice by
time and expense and I'm missing something in my efforts. The statement is a
running explanation of payments received and charges against those payments.
I'm trying to use the invoice2 package, so far unsuccessfully.

  The document class is KOMA article. At the top of the first page is my
company letterhead (a .pdf file) in a titlehead environment, followed by a
title (the name of the project or case).

  The preamble contains:


  Following the address (address environment) is a paragraph then the table
which I understand should use the capabilities of the invoice2 package. I've
not figured out how to make the table compatible with that package and would
appreciate a clue stick. I can make the calculations outside the statement
and enter results manually but would like to have the invoice2 package do
this for me.



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