Le 19 juin 2018 16:47:59 Pavel Sanda <sa...@lyx.org>

Since we are doing changes in the installation workflow on Windows we should
consider to advocate TeX Live instead of MiKTeX on official LyX web page
and I have in mind two reasons:

1. increased document interoperability between architectures because both
  Linux and Mac use preferably TeX Live (MacTeX is redistribution of
  TeX Live if I read their pages right, CMIIW).

2. the instalation time of first install of MiKTeX (including triggered
  online updates via configure) is *horrific*. As I wrote in some earlier
  email, it took >1 hour to get LyX+MiKTeX working on clean Win machine
  mainly because of MiKTeX package handling (and our reconfigure:).

  Net TeXLive installer might be better in this regard. (?)
Protext is a MiKTeX installer built from TL: once the 2.6Go are downloaded (time depends linearly upon the speed of the web connection), I remember that installing LyX runs smoothly, and the docs compile fine.


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