Am 05.07.2018 um 19:27 schrieb Joel Kulesza:

On Jul 5, 2018, at 09:46, Jürgen Spitzmüller <> wrote:

Am Donnerstag, den 05.07.2018, 16:39 +0200 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
I have difficulties with Umlaute in my references (see appended
This looks like one of your bib databases has a different encoding than
the LyX file.  Looks like the LyX file and at least one bib file (with
the correct "Bünning" entry) uses ISO-8859-15 and the other(s) (with
the misrepresented ü) utf8.

Assure the encodings match.

With biblatex it says
Accessing a database via biblatex is almost identical to BibTeX: Use
the menu Insert->List/TOC->Bib(la)TeX Bibliography. In contrary to
BibTeX you cannot select a style file.
But I would like to use a special style file. So biblatex is
apparently not an alternative.
No, you misunderstood. You cannot select a style file in Insert-
List/TOC->Bib(la)TeX Bibliography. You need to do that in Document >
Settings > Bibliography.

This is explained just in the next paragraph following the passage you


Any idea what to do?
To add to what was said. I only use JabRef with LyX/LaTeX and have generally 
had better luck specifying accent marks using LaTeX commands rather than 
Unicode characters.

Sorry for formatting, on mobile.

Thanks, Joel, but that would mean a lot of writing, since I have many German references.
What I do not understand is, that the reference seems to be ok:
Article (Buenning1929b) Bünning, E. Über die thermonastischen und thigmonastischen Blütenbewegungen Planta, 1929, 8, 698-716

and same with the bibtex source:
  author        = {Bünning, E.},
  title         = {\"{U}ber die thermonastischen und thigmonastischen {B}lütenbewegungen},
  journal       = {Planta},
  year          = {1929},
  volume        = {8},
  pages         = {698-716},
  __markedentry = {[we:]},
  owner         = {matrox-suse},
but the pdf output is still queer

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