Biber tells me "WARN - Name in key 'Paul2012' is empty (probably consecutive
'and'): skipping entry 'Paul2012'" and the entry in the jabrefdb.bib is:
        abstract = {This paper summarizes the application of algae as 
indicators of nutrient
        pollution in water quality management. It describes the use of algal
        indicators to develop water quality diagnostics for nutrient pollution
        in the United States (U.S.) and then reviews scientific developments
        in the use and application of algal indicators across the world.
        The paper is intended as a technical resource for the water quality
        manager/practitioner seeking to utilize algae to detect the presence
        of nutrient pollution and to estimate the risks of nutrient pollution
        in adversely affecting the condition of stream ecosystems.},
        author = {Paul, M.J.},
        institution = {Tetra Tech, Inc./ Center for Ecological Sciences},
        keywords = {streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, algae, pollution, water 
quality, indicators},
        pagetotal = {44},
        title = {{Algal Indicators in Streams: A Review of Their Application in 
Water Quality Management of Nutrient Pollution}},
        type = {techreport},
        year = {2017}

I'm not seeing the empty error in the name. Why does biber find it empty?


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