Herbert Voss schrieb:

> Jörg Haug wrote:
> >
> > O.K. this works well, but I still have the problem if I use the lyx-file from
> > NT on my Linux system. I have in the table float box the emty table and then:
> > /cell>
> > <cell multicolumn="0" alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true"
> > bottomline="false" leftline="true" rightline="false" rotate="false"
> > usebox="none" width="" special="">
> > ....
> > I dont know whats wrong with this file. All other things like figures are O.K.
> have a look at your lyx-file for the version, it's the second line,
> like \lyxformat 218
> if it's something like 2,16 correct it with any texteditor to 2.16
> save the file and try again.
> i had this problem, too. but i have forgotten, what's going there.
> Herbert
> --

In the second line i have \lyxformat 218, but its the same with Linux. If i change
this to 2.18 nothing happens. I attached a sample file from NT here. With the editor
i cant see any differences to a file from the Linux system (only the LF).

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Test NT

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