On Thursday 21 June 2001 13:29, you wrote:
> chebira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I would like to know if ther are some converters from Lyx documents to
> > RTF or DOC format.
> I never found a better solution than this bad solution. ;-)
> 1. Convert Lyx to HTML via tth
> 2. Start StarOffice :-( , load the HTML-File
> 3. Save the HTML-File as StarOffice-File
> 4. Reload the StarOffice-File
> 5. Save it as Word-File
> All my dumb Word-Users never had problems with these files. ;-)
> Perhaps it is possible to write a StarOffice-Macro to perform all
> steps automagically. You can ask for it in a StarOffice-Newsgroup. If
> you find a solution. please post it here!
> > and in the other way rtf2doc or doc2lyx.
> Isn't there a good Word-Import-Tool for LyX?

No Word import tool is perfect, but wv works well enough.  If you have it on 
your system, LyX will use it as the default.


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