Le Mardi 4 Septembre 2001 19:37, vous avez écrit :
> No you don't need, as I understand you can output a text file where lines
> are separated by line break and column by tabs, so if you have something
> that can do advanced replacement (like regular expression, don't what is
> avaible with windows 2000) you can use it to convert you tab-delimited
> table to a LaTeX table.
> The replacement you need to do are
> - replace the tab by a & wich is the character that delimit two cells in a
> LaTeX tabular
> - add \\ at the end of each line except for the last one
> - add the following at the begining of you file
> \documentclass{article}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{tabular}
> - add the following at the end of your file
> \end{tabular}
> \end{document}
> Now you should have a regular LaTeX file (if I did it right, consult your
> LaTeX documentation if necessary) and just need to use the LyX TeX import
> to get a correct table you can copy in your document.
> If you were using Linux I would have tell you to create an awk script but I
> just don't know what you can use under windows 2000.

I forgot to tell that if in your initial file there are already somewhere the 
& character you need to protect it first (first mean before you replace the 
tabs by &), i.e. you must replace any & by \&

 « Excusez-moi, je n'ai pas pu m'en empêcher... »
 -+- CF in GNU - fufe, c'est plus fort que toi -+-


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