On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 05:46:55PM +0300, Robin Turner wrote:
> On Wednesday 05 September 2001 17:24, John Levon wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 10:08:24PM +1000, Kathryn Andersen wrote:
> > > One thing that LyX definitely does worse is fonts -- but that's because
> > > of the limitations of TeX.  Does anyone know if that's ever likely to
> > > improve?
> >
> > what do you mean here ?
> I wouldn't want to make assumptions about what Kathryn meant, but what _I_ 
> would mean by being bad at fonts is:

Thanks for not assuming, but you hit the nail on the head.
> 1.  You only get a few fonts pre-installed with your standard TeX/LaTeX 
> distribution (not necessarily a bad thing, though).

Agreed.  After leaving the world of hundreds of TrueType fonts, it's a
rather a letdown.
> 2.  Although there are some very nice TeXable fonts out there, installing 
> them is about as intuitive as quantum physics.

Say it again, man!  Even with some nice tools like vfontinst, you still
have to mess around in the bowels...
> 3.  Even if you actually manage to get a new font installed, LyX won't 
> recognise it.

Evil Red Text is required -- that or making your own Style (which is
what I ended up doing).
> As I've said before, a very nice feature/plugin for LyX would be a 
> font-installer. My dream would be something that would connect to my nearest 
> CTAN mirror, download the fonts I want, integrate them in my TeX system and 
> add them to the LyX "default font" popup.

Or simply something that would allow me to use all of my existing
TrueType fonts as easily as I can now use them in X-Windows.
> Oh yes, and although I normally decry it as bad typesetting, occasionally it 
> would be nice to have more than one font in the same document.
Agreed.  What I've used LyX for, a fanzine, I had two main styles of
"body" font -- one for prose, and another for poetry.  I used a
script-style font for the poetry.  Obviously most people won't need to
do that, and I agree that less is beautiful and logical markup is King,
but even so...

LyX wasn't actually free -- it cost me $72 (the price of Lamport's LaTeX
book).  Oddly enough, I found the book catalogued under "programming

Kathryn Andersen
        "Why do you have two hearts?"
        "Because I'm the anomaly, the spanner in the works, the fly in the
ointment, the cheese grater in the goldfish bowl."
        -- Kadiatu & the Doctor
                (Doctor Who - the New Adventures: "Transit" by Ben Aaronovitch)
 _--_|\     | Kathryn Andersen          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/      \    |   <http://www.katspace.com>
\_.--.*/    |   
      v     | #include "standard/disclaimer.h"
------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |   -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe

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