
I have been using Lyx to write a long document (my CS PhD thesis)
for some time now and really love it. Thanks much to all who
worked on Lyx's development.

I'm using Lyx 1.1.6fix3 on RedHat Linux 7.1.

I have a few questions/problems.

In my document, I have a point at which the tables start 
spontaneously numbering by 2 instead of one (i.e. table 12,
table 14, table 16). Up to that point, they were numbering
by increments of one. I have tried deleting the table floats
and reinserting them and that didn't help. If I change the 
document format to "book" from article and change all the 
sections to chapters, it numbers the tables by chapter
but it still skips (in this case from 5.2 to 5.4 (formerly
12 and 14)). (However the former 16 is now 6.1 and is OK).

Does anyone know why this could be happening? There is no
table intervening between the two that could be causing the

Also, is there any way to get page numbers to appear centered
in the bottom middle of the page? And to get it to skip 
page numbering on blank pages (skip both assigning a number
and printing it, when in book format?)

And I notice that long chapter titles, when printed at the top 
of the page, tend to run into the page number if if is also
printed at the top, creating an ugly effect. This occurs in
chapter 4 of the User's Guide for Lyx, e.g. on page 70
of the version I have. Is there any thing to do about this,
other than shortening the chapter titles?

Matt Zeidenberg
University of Wisconsin

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