Matt Zeidenberg wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been using Lyx to write a long document (my CS PhD thesis)
> for some time now and really love it. Thanks much to all who
> worked on Lyx's development.
> I'm using Lyx 1.1.6fix3 on RedHat Linux 7.1.
> I have a few questions/problems.
> In my document, I have a point at which the tables start 
> spontaneously numbering by 2 instead of one (i.e. table 12,
> table 14, table 16). Up to that point, they were numbering
> by increments of one. I have tried deleting the table floats
> and reinserting them and that didn't help. If I change the 
> document format to "book" from article and change all the 
> sections to chapters, it numbers the tables by chapter
> but it still skips (in this case from 5.2 to 5.4 (formerly
> 12 and 14)). (However the former 16 is now 6.1 and is OK).

can you give a short example file?

> Also, is there any way to get page numbers to appear centered
> in the bottom middle of the page? And to get it to skip 
> page numbering on blank pages (skip both assigning a number
> and printing it, when in book format?)

> And I notice that long chapter titles, when printed at the top 
> of the page, tend to run into the page number if if is also
> printed at the top, creating an ugly effect. This occurs in
> chapter 4 of the User's Guide for Lyx, e.g. on page 70
> of the version I have. Is there any thing to do about this,
> other than shortening the chapter titles?

also: an example file



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