Hi all,

I will summarise reply to your answers. Thanks to everyone.

Am 03.12.01, 09:49:50, schrieb Guenter Milde 
zum Thema Re: Re: How to open LyXTips.tgz:

> (Finally, remember that Herbert is not a LyX support employee. The only
> reward he gets for making his private collection open for the public is
> positive feedback. I understand it is not very nice to fine a file is not
> working after 20 min of download, but the tone of your mails is not
> encouraging Herbert to continue his effort.)

I do not think that my comments on which file format to choose have been
that impolite. If this had however been the case I apologise as Herbert
is certainly doing a good job.

Am 03.12.01, 13:53:57, schrieb Mike Meredith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> zum
Thema Re: How to open LyXTips.tgz:

> > gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data—format violated
> > tar: Kindprozeß gab Status 1 zurück
> > tar: Fehler beim Beenden, verursacht durch vorhergehenden Fehler

> Sounds like something has already decompressed the file for you and
> hasn't renamed it. Try :-

>       tar xvf LyXTips.tgz

Did not work, either. :-(

Am 03.12.01, 09:46:02, schrieb Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> zum Thema
Re: How to open LyXTips.tgz:

> Are you sure all transfers happend in binary mode? Note that some ftp
> clients start in ASCII mode as default, so archives thend to break...

This idea has been mentioned rather often, in some personal messages too.
I have downloaded the file using Netscape 4.73, as usual. NN never
produced any problems on my system when using it for downloads. Besides
Netscape there are Internet Explorer 5.5 and StarOffice 5.2 available on
my system. As I have to work with Windows, would you suggest to repeat
download with one of those clients instead? Are there any particular
options I have to choose?

Again, this is the first time I have trouble of this kind.



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