On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Juergen Fenn wrote:
> Herbert Voss schrieb:
> > anyway, there is also a zip version
> >
> > http://www.perce.de/lyx/LyXTips.zip
> This worked just fine! :-) Thank you very much, Herbert!

I haven't followed this thread very carefully, so pardon me if I'm
restating the obvious -- is there any chance that your browser
automatically uncompressed the .tgz, but left the name unchanged? This has
happened to me in the past, where I thought I had a .tar.gz file (perhaps
named .tgz) but in reality was a plain .tar file. Using "tar -xf" rather
than "tar -xvf" took care of it.


Mike Ressler
OK, I'm lame: I don't have my own website ...

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