On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 06:59:21PM +0000, Juergen Fenn wrote:
> > Are you sure all transfers happend in binary mode? Note that some ftp
> > clients start in ASCII mode as default, so archives thend to break...
> This idea has been mentioned rather often, in some personal messages too.
> I have downloaded the file using Netscape 4.73, as usual. NN never
> produced any problems on my system when using it for downloads. Besides
> Netscape there are Internet Explorer 5.5 and StarOffice 5.2 available on
> my system. As I have to work with Windows, would you suggest to repeat
> download with one of those clients instead? Are there any particular
> options I have to choose?

[I would suggest generally using 'wget' for downloads from the net. Should
be available for Windows, too.]

Apart from that, you have plenty hints that the archive is indeed
corrupted. As all others who tried the archive did not mention problems,
so a new download, possibly after deleting all traces of the previous one,
sounds like a promising approach.


André Pönitz .............................................. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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