On Fri, Dec 21, 2001 at 12:20:38PM +0200, Tomer Altman wrote:
> 1. How can I add a vertical line between Matrix columns?
> For Horizantal lines I use \cline{from-to} which works fine. But I 
> haven't found the command to do the same for vertical lines.


> 2. How can I change Matrix size / alignment after I created it and put 
> values in it?
> Tried to change values in the Math Panel and "Apply"... doesn't work 
> (and adds unwanted spaces).

You can't. This will be possible in 1.2.0

> 3. Is there a way to combine matrix squares? (like in Tabulars)

Do you mean multi-column ?
It is supported by latex, but not by lyx.

> 4. How do I fix/use the, probably, bug with Multi-line equations when I 
> mistakely delete the 3rd Square and it becomes only 2?

press ctrl+tab at the end of the 2nd box, and the 3rd box will reappear.
BTW, this bug has been fixed in 1.2.0

> 5. Is there a shortcut to insert delimeters? (opening math panel, 
> pressing on delim button and apply sure does take lotsa time)

E.g. M-m (

> 6. Is there an easy way to insert a well aligned matrix for "Long 
> Fractions"?

\usepackage{longdiv} in the preamble (longdiv.sty is attached)
and then \longdiv{10}{5}.

> 7. What's the correct way to insert Hexadecimal digits? (i've been using 
> m-c r and the letter so it'll be straight)

It depends on what you want to do.

> 8. What's the shortcut/place to insert a Field letter like N,Z,Q,R,C 
> that will look like the written letter and not like just a big letter?

There are several suitable fonts.
For example,
\mathbb{N} with \usepackage{bbold} in the preamble (or enable "use ams math"
                                                    in the document dialog")
\mathbbm{N} with \usepackage{bbm} in the preamble
\mathds{N} with \usepackage{dsfont} in the preamble
%  longdiv.tex  v.1  (1994)  Donald Arseneau  
%  Work out and print integer long division problems.  Use:
%       \longdiv{numerator}{denominator}
%  The numerator and denominator (divisor and dividend) must be integers, and
%  the quotient is an integer too.  \longdiv leaves a remainder.
%  Use this in any type of TeX.

\newcount\gpten % (global) power-of-ten -- tells which digit we are doing
\countdef\rtot2 % running total -- remainder so far
\countdef\LDscratch4 % scratch

 \vtop{\normalbaselines \offinterlineskip
   \setbox\strutbox\hbox{\vrule height 2.1ex depth .5ex width0ex}%
   % make list macro out of digits in quotient:
   \def\temp##1{\ifx##1\temp\else \noexpand\dodig ##1\expandafter\temp\fi}%
   % process list to give power-of-ten:
   \def\dodig##1{\global\multiply\gpten by10 }\global\gpten=1 \routine
   % to display effect of one digit in quotient (zero ignored):
   \def\dodig##1{\global\divide\gpten by10
      \LDscratch =\gpten
      \multiply\LDscratch  by##1%
      \multiply\LDscratch  by#2%
      \global\advance\rtot-\LDscratch \relax
      \ifnum\LDscratch>0 \showdig \fi % must hide \cr in a macro to skip it
   \halign{\hfil##\cr % \halign for entire division problem
     \mkern2mu \the\rtot}$\cr\noalign{\kern-.2ex}
     \routine \cr % do each digit in quotient

\noindent Here are some long division problems

\longdiv{12345}{13} \quad
\longdiv{123}{1234} \quad
\longdiv{31415926}{2} \quad
\longdiv{81}{3} \quad
\longdiv{1132}{99} \quad

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