
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Rich Shepard wrote:
> > Why doesn`t the standard --version   e.g. lyx --version work ?
>   Because, as a GUI application, no one considered adding that option to be
> parsed on the command line. Usually the --version argument works on command
> line tools, not GUI tools.

That's simply not true.

>   I've not used LyX to produce html and probably won't. I view the dvi
> output, then use pdflatex to print the output file for me.

It's quite interesting to be able to generates printing output and html
one with the same input. The reported problem, is there again not Lyx
fault, but most probably latex2html one, that will convert the items 'in
place' instead of reordring them...

A lot of hard but great job is done by latex groups, latex2html and lyx
developpers, and I thanks them for it. But I'm sure they are glad to get
feedback about what's still not working well with theyr software (of
course, being polite is a plus...)


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