>>Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 09:16:05 +0100 (CET)
>>From: Guenter Milde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Re: Letter - address and right address
>>To: "Jean-Pierre.Chretien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 18:09:20 +0100 (MET) wrote "Jean-Pierre.Chretien" 
>>> >>It's quite interesting to be able to generates printing output and html
>>> >>one with the same input. The reported problem, is there again not Lyx
>>> >>fault, but most probably latex2html one, that will convert the items 'in
>>> >>place' instead of reordring them...
>>> tth has got the same problem, don't know for hevea.
>>Hevea simply doesnot work with letters... (at least not with letter
>>(german), g-brief and dinbrief)
>>latex2html gives just the content, not the headers of the fields and all of
>>them in the order they appear in the doc.
>>This is true for both, letter (german) and dinbrief. (mainly, becouse
>>dinbrief-the-lyx-layout relies on the letter class as well (there is an
>>independent latex class dinbrief and a version mpdinbrief, just to confuse
>>you a bit more).
>>g-brief (another German buissness letter) is just too much for latex2html --
>>the actual letter text is not shown. 
>>I suppose that:
>>The note in the template is more recent than the documentation (and reflects
>>the way it works).
>>Export of letters to html is still in its infancy.
>>TODOS: Correct the docs
>>       Write a letter export for latex2html (not a LyXish task, however)
>>       (or find a workaround)

My guess is that no one tried to write the perl component for letter class
because the need is not stringent for such a typograhic document
(I mean, where placement on a a4 or Letter page is so meaningful).

My suggestion if you want a html record of the letter:
 - write the components in the required order (should work, or the class
 needs hacking: signature after the salutations or body text must work);
 - export as ASCII;
 - convert to html from txt or after re-import of text in LyX.
My opinion about letter construction in various formats
(if really needed in electronic form): 
a letter is a highly structured document with a lot of fields,
so use a field-oriented UI to get the data associated with
each field, e.g.
 - use CGI.pm to buid up a CGI object containing the letter elements,
 - use the param components to build up separately a typography
 with latex (and the printable outputs) and an electronic document in html
 (this one may remain dynamic).
A mix is possible (file upload of body text written in LyX, e.g.,
and use of LyX batch functions to perform conversions)
and moreover can take advantage of any existing address database
(in any format: perl can deal with SQL requests, read Excel files, etc.)
to produce personalized mailings.

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