On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 02:26:11PM -0600, Dr. Louis A. Turk wrote:
> I am considering purchasing SUSE Linux  8.0 Professional when it come out 
> this month.  It is supposed to come with Lyx, and is supposed to be easy to 
> install.  Since I know very little about Linux, I am hoping that Lyx will 
> work right off without a lot of configuring which I might not know how to 
> do.  Does anyone out there have experience with Lyx on SUSE Linux?  Am I on 
> the right track?  Would some other version of Linux be better for running 
> Lyx?

I can't speak about SUSE, having never used it.  Right now I am using
Debian(testing) which has the advantage that it is very up-to-date and
updates are easy to get (just a matter of using the apt-get system).
This means that right now I'm running the latest version of lyx
(1.1.6fix4) with Ghostscript version 6.53 (the version which has that
darn display bug fixed).  And Debian is very stable (even testing is
more stable than many other distros) -- that's why I moved to it from
RedHat.  And I'm not looking back!

Unfortunately, I wouldn't at this stage reccommend Debian for new users,
because the installation isn't as easy as some of the other
distributions, and the number of packages available (huge number) can be
rather bewildering for someone who has never used Linux before.

Kathryn Andersen
"Duct tape is like the force: it has a light side, and a dark side, and
 it binds the universe together."
--Carl Zwanzig
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