On Tuesday, 14 May 2002 12.31, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 11:13:16AM +0200, Matthieu Amiguet wrote:
> > I've made a very-quick-and-very-dirty class layout for article hermes,
> > the class file for "Hermes Science Publication" (www.editions-hermes.fr).
> > All I did was changing the second line of the layout file to give it a
> > new name and use the right .cls file.
> > For now, I do the remaining stuff in ERT. I've got a little problem,
> > though: When exporting to latex, I've got an "english" class option that
> > I really don't want.
> > Hermes is made primarily for french publications, and understands this
> > option as "I'm going to write the article in english". It then ignorates
> > the "french" option and typesets in english.
> > I need to get rid of this: I would like the first line of my .tex
> > document to be
> > \documentclass{article-hermes}
> > with no language option.
> > How can I do this?
> If the language of the document is French, you should choose French
> language in the document dialog!

I should have said that I tried this, of course. But the result is
I don't know why, but that's how it is. I need that no language option 
appears in this command.


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