Replace the "qqqqqq" with \hphantom{xxxx}


At 12:16 24/07/2002, Alain Castera wrote:

>Sorry, I am unable to reproduce (see attached dvi). What's wrong in my
>test file ? Could you send an example to me ?
>On Wed, 24 Jul 2002, seguso wrote:
> > it is very simple.
> > I would like to get the following latex output :
> >
> >
> > \begin{enumerate}
> >
> > \item This is the first item, and spans ....
> >
> > \item   This is the second item, and it ..
> >
> >         qqqqqq This is the second paragraph, and ....
> >
> > \end{enumerate}
> >
> > Which in dvi appears as:
> >
> >
> > 1.   This is the first item, and spans ...
> >
> > 2.   This is the second item, and it ...
> >
> >          qqqqqq This is the second paragraph,
> >      and it is indented. But it has no num- ...
>  *******************************************************************
>  *        Alain Castera                                            *
>  * IPNL - UCB Lyon 1             | e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
>  * Bat. Paul Dirac               |      or        [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
>  * Campus de la Doua             | Telephone :     (+33) 472448429 *
>  * F69622 Villeurbanne CEDEX     | Fax :           (+33) 472448004 *
>  *******************************************************************

Radwan JALAM
Laboratoire ERIC
Universite Lumiere Lyon 2

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