Udo Müller wrote:

> When I tried to install the new version of LyX,1.2.1
> with RPM, it was impossible, because RPM told me, it
> needs libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3 to work.
> So I caught it from the Web and unzipped it into
> /usr/local/lib, then I linked it into /lib and
> /usr/lib.
> The result was the same, nothing worked, as I
> installed it against the advice of RPM. Has anybody a
> solution or does anybody happend the same problem?
> Greetings from Berlin, Udo

I had some similar problem on my Mandrake 8.2.
rpm complained about not having this "libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3" but this
library was actually present on my system in /usr/lib where locate could
find it (and ls too).
So I forced with --nodeps. LyX seems to work (I did this yesterday, so I
haven't had much time to test)

I would think it's the rpm package that has a problem.
(or maybe I should rpm -rebuilddb)



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