On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 08:49:51AM -0500, Paul Johnson wrote:
> I'm willing, unable!
> I have gcc3-3.0.4 for c++. Is there a known problem there? rebuild ends:

Change the offending line to

        return os.str().c_str();


  ./configure  --without-included-string

> I'm good at C and Java, but don't know any C++ so don't even understand 
> the error message.

Even if you did it is not obvious that LyX's string is sometimes not


PS: Please quote only the relevant parts of the message you are responding
to. People who need the full message can go to the archives. And please
write _below_ the parts you are quoting as it is easier to read top-down
(context, then your remark) than vice versa.

Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson)

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