>>From: Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 09:20:38 +0200
>>To: Christian Ridderström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Buggy behaviour with package hyperref and option pdftex
>>X-message-flag: Formating hard disk. please wait...   10%...  20%...
>>X-Virus-Scanned: by AMaViS perl-11
>>On Fri, Sep 20, 2002 at 09:13:15AM +0200, Christian Ridderström wrote:
>>> Yeah... do you know who I should contact in order to get access to modify 
>>> the website? (or just modify a page and send it in as a suggestion?).
>>Just keep shouting for a while, the guys usually listen even if they don't
>>admit it. And after a while they get fed up, you know... ;-)
>>> I mean, there's no point in just complaining...   Of course, since I'm
>>> preparing for a conference now, it'll still have to wait a week or so.
>>Isn't this the typical time when people start to look for distraction?
>>> PS. I'd probably write a very simple "how-to-file a bug" and put that
>>> next to the link... I remember being a bit confused the first time. DS
>>Maybe that would already help.
>>Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
>>will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson)

Are you SURE that a failure of dvi with a pdftex option either global 
or local to a package is a LyX or a (La)TeX bug ?
Up to my understanding, pdftex option is needed to get hypertext pdf,
I don't see why dvi shouls be considered there
(and moreover, tex2pdf avoids your fightings with hyperref in the

Maybe I misunderstood the problem ? If it comes from the use of pdftex/hyperref,
check your versions first (if anterior to feb 2001, upgrade).


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