Marc Levivier wrote:
> I have also a problem with the spell checker of LyX 1.2.1. When I cliked
> on the button : nothing (in "francais"). I changed things I don't
> understand in language (options documents), language (preferences) and
> language (for using an other language with the spell checker), and then
> it works. The "solution" I have is : selecting, tree times the same
> language...

For the spellchecker, only the third option ("use alternative language" in the 
spellchecker options) is relevant.
LyX tries to be clever and takes the name of the document language as ispell 
language option. This works sometimes, if the name of the babel file and the 
name of the ispell/aspell dictionary are identical. Often, they are not (cf. 
"german" vs. "deutsch"), and spell checking fails, unless you tell LyX the 
actual name of the dictionary.


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