John Levon wrote:
If you needed latex-ttf-fonts, then uninstall it, and install

Place the tarball in $HOME/.fonts/ dir, do :

tar zxvf latex-xft-fonts-0.1.tar.gz
fc-cache -fv

And try out lyx. Please report back (if you have problems, give version
information for qt, X, Xft, lyx, etc.)

I'm using lyx 1.3.2 with Qt 3.1.2 under RedHat 8.0 (X 4.2.0).

I have the same problem with these as I had with the old ones: I can't get accented characters to display properly in normal text. I can send you a pair of screenshots if needed showing the difference with Cmr10 vs. any other regular TrueType font in the system.

Note that the accented characters show up just fine in the final postscript, and are also displayed correctly within lyx if I use any other font.

While this issue was already there with the old latex-ttf package, it would be great to see it solved now that you are working on the fonts issue. This would allow me to move over to using Computer Modern for my day to day display (I currently use Bitstream Charter, which is reasonably close visually and very readable).



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