A. L. Meyers wrote:
> 1. When doing Layout, Document and clicking the class button, I see
> only article, book, letter, linuxdoc and report.

These are the 'article.layout', 'book.layout', etc files that are 
distributed as part of lyx. They contain information on how lyx 
should show 'section', 'subsection' etc on the screen. They are 
_nothing_ to do with latex.

> 2. View, Tex Information, LaTex classes, on the contrary, shows many
>    other classes including g-brief, about 50 in all.

These are the latex 'article.cls' etc files. They define how the 
document will be typeset on the page when running it through the 
latex compiler.

> Somehow lyx is not "seeing" the additional classes.

As explained above. If you look in ${PREFIX}/share/lyx/layouts, (where 
${PREFIX}/bin/lyx is your installed executable), you should find some 
66 layout files. I append the list that comes with the cvs version of 


$ (cd lyx/13x/lib/layouts && ls *.layout)
aa.layout               entcs.layout             llncs.layout
aapaper.layout          extarticle.layout        ltugboat.layout
aastex.layout           extbook.layout           manpage.layout
amsart.layout           extletter.layout         memoir.layout
amsart-plain.layout     extreport.layout         mwart.layout
amsart-seq.layout       foils.layout             mwbk.layout
amsbook.layout          g-brief2.layout          mwrep.layout
apa.layout              g-brief-de.layout        paper.layout
article.layout          g-brief-en.layout        report.layout
book.layout             heb-article.layout       revtex4.layout
broadway.layout         heb-letter.layout        revtex.layout
chess.layout            hollywood.layout         scrartcl.layout
cl2emult.layout         IEEEtran.layout          scrbook.layout
cv.layout               ijmpd.layout             scrlettr.layout
dinbrief.layout         jgrga.layout             scrlttr2.layout
docbook-book.layout     kluwer.layout            scrreprt.layout
docbook-chapter.layout  latex8.layout            seminar.layout
docbook.layout          letter.layout            siamltex.layout
docbook-section.layout  linuxdoc.layout          slides.layout
dtk.layout              literate-article.layout  spie.layout
egs.layout              literate-book.layout     svjog.layout
elsart.layout           literate-report.layout   svprobth.layout

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