Thank you Herbert and Paul for the file.. I used the last option with the minipages and captions within the minipages so that the two captions will show up beside one another. Also aligned the minipage to the bottom so the captions are on the same line. Now, only one problem - the block of figures isn't centered with respect to the paragraph (text) beneath it.. I tried deleting the \hfill before the first figure and that made it a little better but it's still not centered. is this cos the widths of the two figures are different? In Herbert's third example, the widths of the figures are set to 80% and 30% of col. and the corresponding minipages are set to 60% and 35% of line respectively. So my question - is trial and error the only way to have these unequal-width figures side by side so that the entire block is centered?


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