On Wed, 21 Jan 2004, Nirmal Govind wrote:

> Sounds like you got hold of some documentation already..

Hi, Nirmal,

  Yes. I did a lot of reading and found useful information. Now the only
remaining task is for me to learn why it won't compile without errors.

> If the text is entered in texth-within-math-mode (you can do a Ctrl-M
> while you're in the math-mode to enter text-within-math-mode), then you
> can just hit space and it'll show up as a space.. if you want a space
> while in math-mode then try \, or \ followed immediately by a space.. they
> put spaces with varying widths.. I think (but I'm not sure) that \, is the
> space you want between two characters in math mode -- such as for
> a,<space>b ..  would be great if someone could confirm this...

  What I did, when in the right-side box, was to select the regular text mode
from the text button menu on the math panel, then use ctrl-space to space
the words.

  The LaTeX generated by this (as seen in the .lyx file) appears equivalent
to a working example, but just will not compile. Yes, this is frustrating,
especially when I'm against a deadline by my publisher for the book. Sigh.

  You folks are all terrific. I really appreciate the help.


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

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