Hi, thanks for the reply, Bennett.

2004-09-29 at 16.17, Bennett Helm wrote:

On Sep 29, 2004, at 4:59 AM, Peter Ljunglöf wrote:
1) The native LyX/Mac port has become terribly slow -- it takes several seconds just to open a math-macro (with arguments), and writing inside a math formula can be as slow as 1 character per second. Editing the main text is also slow, but not that much.

I haven't experienced speeds anywhere near that slow on a 466MHz iBook.

It was quite fast when I only had 20-30 pages. But now I'm reaching 120 pages, and it's a pain to work with. I know I could split the document into several parts, but I like having one document to work with, and since LyX/Xforms is fast I stick to that. At least for now.

But this reminds me of a question of keyboard binding. I send that question as a separate mail though.

2) So I tried both LyX/Qt and LyX/Xforms, installing via fink. LyX/Qt is much faster, and LyX/Xforms is lightning fast!

Q: Why the extreme differences? Is there any way to make LyX/Mac faster (it has the best interface, so I'd want to use it)

The next version of LyX/Mac will be compiled with an updated (and somewhat faster) version of Qt. Hopefully performance will be acceptable for you.

Yes, let's hope so..

3) The truetype screen fonts look bad -- antialiasing seems not to be working. This is true for both Qt and Xforms. Now I'm using the Xforms interface with bitmap fonts -- it's fast and looks, well, it's readable at least...

Q: Can I turn on antialiasing?

I believe X11 has antialiasing on by default. LyX/Mac should be antialiased as well.

Yes, my LyX/Mac version has antialiasing on. But not LyX/Xforms. How do I know if X11 has antialiasing on? (xdvi and gv shows antialiased text).

4) I also have some kind of X11 problem. The apple cmd key functions as LyX meta, as it does with e.g. X11/emacs. (I have unchecked "Follow system keyboard layout" and "Enable key equivalents under X11" in X11 preferences). BUT: sometimes, I have not figured out when, LyX forgets that cmd/meta exists -- i.e. pressing "cmd-q a" gives me "qa", and not greek alpha.

Q: Has anyone got any idea for this problem?

I haven't experienced this problem with other X11 programs, but it's been a very long time since I tried LyX on X11. Perhaps we could be more helpful if you could figure out a pattern to the problem. (Do these problems occur for other programs run under X11 in those cases? -- It might be an X11 problem, then.)

Ok, this problem is solved - it was a bad X11 init file...

regards, Peter

----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Peter Ljunglöf ------------ PhD student, Göteborg University ------ --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -------- http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~peb -------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

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