Alberto wrote:
> >IMO book class is o.k. The most obvious difference to the other main
> > classes (article, report) is that books have real chapters that start a
> > new page. I'd recommend to use not the standard book but either scrbook
> > (that is "book (koma)") or memoir, because these two are much more
> > flexible. KOMA has been designed with regard to European typesetting
> > conventions.
> Ok. I will try that too...I observed that changing from book style to some
> other "styles" i obtain some errors. I suppose that this is due to use
> different style imply use different "headers" (for section, chapter, and so
> on). 

Yes, LyX yields an error if the new document class doesn't have some layouts 
elements of the old one (e.g. article doesn't have chapters, in contrary to 
book). A switch between book and book (koma) should be no problem, though 
(but vice versa, if you use koma's bonus features).

> So i changed the headers, but the errors remains. 

Do you mean the red error boxes or the error when you try to view 
dvi/postscript/pdf? The latter shouldn't be the case. Normally, the error 
boxes disappear automatically with the next latex run. 

> So to fix this  
> problem i opened a new file and i copied into that new lyx file the text.
> Isn't it a way too heuristic? ..yes of course to obtain something good from
> anything i should at least know the tools...but lyx is a point&click
> tool.... so i think that user should be obtain all that they wish using the
> same "policy". Am i wrong? (probably there is the way, but i don't know
> it!)

No, this shouldn't be necessary.

> Thanks...i found (i think) the right page style. I selected
> Layout->Document->Layout (from the left frame) and on the right frame at
> the text-area: "page style" i choosed: "playn". Now all the pages of my
> document are written at bottom. The fancy option is good too, but if i has
> a long section title then the left part (in the header) overwrites the
> right part. 

You can use "Insert->Short Title" to pass a short version of the section title 
to the toc and the headers. Or you can tweak fancyhdr to delete one of those 
parts. But I'd postpone those things until your thesis has been written. Just 
be aware that this is all possible.

> >Does this help?
> >
> Yes. I read it. It suggest to use C-return. Thanks.

The \and trick puts the authors side by side.

> >> 5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
> >> images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments
> >> that i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it
> >> is between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element
> >> after the wrapped area, but it does not work.... :(
> >> I use the wrapped area so i can put at the end of my thesis a figure
> >> list too.
> >
> >Can you send a small example showing the misbehaviour?
> At this mailing list? I would not "spam" you. Can i send it?
> At present my document is 32kb weight.

Try to make a "minimal example" of it, i.e., remove all that is not necessary 
to reproduce the error. And send it to the list please. Or, if you have 
webspace available, post a link.


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