Sven Schreiber wrote:

> My guess is that relyx has problems with the latex file and produces a
> bad lyx-file which lyx2lyx cannot handle. Too bad that the relyx

The guess is probably correct.
> 1. I read somewhere that another import tool is coming with the new lyx
> version (tex2lyx?); if this is true (and it would be great), would it be
> possible to provide it standalone even before the new lyx version is
> released?

It would be possible, but some work. Unfortunately the table import is the
least developed area of tex2lyx, so it would probably not help much in this

> 2. In the meantime it would be nice if the relyx-savvy could provide
> (permanent links to) more concrete advice on what latex constructs to
> avoid. (In my particular case retyping the tables in lyx is probably
> quicker than hand-editing the latex code, but for long-term or
> search-and-replace batch operations this may be helpful.) Maybe I just
> missed it?

IMHO the needed time would be better spent in improving tex2lyx wrt tables.

> 3. Because the lyx doc format apparently changes from time to time, it
> seems to me that lyx2lyx is a very very important component of lyx. I
> understand that developer resources are limited, so what I'm saying is
> just that making lyx2lyx more robust should maybe receive higher
> priority than other or new features.

The problem is most definitely not lyx2lyx, but reLyX. It does not produce
clean 2.15 files, but a mixture of different formats. This in turn causes
trouble for lyx2lyx.


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