Rich Drewes wrote:
I have a TOC that is two pages long. I must number my abstract, TOC, list of figures, and other frontmatter with roman numerals and that's working. Also, the TOC itself must appear as an entry in the TOC.

Here's the problem:  If I put my

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Table of Contents}

before the Lyx TOC widget, then the number that appears for the TOC in the TOC is the page *before* the TOC actually starts. If I put my \addcontentsline{toc} *after* the Lyx TOC widget, the page number that appears for the TOC in the TOC is the *second* page of the TOC!

In both cases the pages themselves are numbered correctly.  It's just the
page number in the TOC listing that is wrong.

Hi Rich,

Try adding to your preamble;

Hope this helps.


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