samar wrote:

Many thanks indeed for that quick response. I had already tried just putting in
AcroRd32.exe which I think is on the Path. However, could not seem to get
it to work as it wanted to look in C for it.

However, putting quotes on either side of the FSP did the trick. Interestingly this sort of change does not require reconfiguring.

Do you think this is something obvious for most people - other than yours truly - or should we have it in the section on the wiki
that deals with installing this version of LyxWin?

It seems to me that questions about viewing PDFs come up periodically, but usually from people who don't know they need to go to the file formats section and fill in the viewer entries. I don't recall the business of the space in the path coming up much, but then my memory's not trustworthy. In any case, it's liable to come up more often when versions 1.3.6 and then 1.4 hatch, because they will allow users to work directly from source documents under My Documents, which I suspect will desensitize Windows users to the general issue of spaces in the path.

I've added a blurb near the bottom of

describing this. Feel free to edit it if you find it less than clear (or, worse, inaccurate).

-- Paul

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