Peter Rockett wrote:

Thanks to all who responded to my requests for help to get LyX working. It's now functioning fine... but tex2lyx has problems translating my sample file so...

Having looked at Latex stuff a lot over the past few weeks as a Latex newbie, could I ask a (heretical!?) question? Why isn't LyX (or something else) a fully fledged WYSIWYG word processor?

Two reasons:

1. WYSIWYG is more work, and LyX is made by volunteers.  There aren't always
enough developers. It is better to have a feature in a non-wysiwyg way, than not to have it at all. Expect some more wysiwyg in each release as volunteers
   fix such omissions.

2. Some things are _not_ wysiwyg on purpose!  Lyx produce very fine output
thanks to the latex backend, doing that in real time is not feasible with
   todays computers and not tomorrows computers either.  (Sure, you
   can get it for some simple cases, but one can make very time-consuming

A strict "what you see is what you get" design tends to result in "what you see is _all_ you get". That is, limitations in the user interface becomes
   limitations of the output.  Msword has fallen into this trap.
This is why you'll never see lyx break lines on screen _exactly_ the same way lines get broken in the output. Latex linebreaking uses complicated algorithms
   that may have to rebreak the entire paragraph when you change a single
letter in the text. This is (still) too slow to do in realtime for someone typing in the middle of a big paragraph.
   Page breaking and float placement use the same kind of heavy algorithms.
   This ensures that a lyx document almost always breaks nicely, so you
don't have to fix a linebreak here and a pagebreak there in a normal text. And therefore you rarely need to see the final layout either - you certainly
   don't need that when writing - another distraction removed from the
   writing process.

If you really need to see the formatting, use view->dvi or view->pdf menus.

   Lyx instead uses the wysiwym (what you see is what you _mean_) paradigm.
It makes lyx a better fit for book/article writing than any wysiwyg word processor. It also makes lyx less fit for writing something where layout tweaking is important, such as a greeting card. (Greeting cards are doable of course, but

I can see the logic in how Donald Knuth designed things originally but I suspect a lot of that was guided by the fact that computers then were not capable of doing page rendering on the fly. But I don't think that restriction is true anymore.

It is true still, although there are some trivial cases where true wysiwyg is possible. Please note that wysiwyg is complicated by the fact that printers and screens have very different resolutions. Try typesetting a 8-column newspaper wysiwyg
on an ordinary screen - not funny.

So is there any fundamental reason why Yap, say, couldn't be turned into a word processor... other then the obvious one of the effort involved? Just wondering because Latex is a significant learning curve and the tools are really rather rudimentary. WYSIWYG DTP programs exist!

Lyx also aims to be _fast_.  Lyx on an ancient computer still let you edit
effortlessly, with snappy writing and scrolling. Try that with those other DTP
programs.  You may have a big computer - some people doesn't.  Final output
will be slow of course, but not the writing process!

Helge Hafting

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