Marc J. Driftmeyer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> So if I read this correctly, because a Win32 port of LyX has been  
> made possible to show the Windows User the Power of the UNIX/Linux  
> World Design approach to Software and what Free Tools can produce  
> using the TeX/LaTeX systems and their many prodigy as the guts  
> underneath the highly abstracted WYSIWYM paradigm none of that  
> matters and it's because of this Win32 option that you consider it  
> for serious work?  Never mind the fact that it is more rock solid on  
> its primary platforms and that countless Scientists, Engineers,  
> Writers, Publishers use the these tools for serious work, it's  
> because of the Win32 port it is now to be considered a serious solution?

Huh, this is a real point!

> Personally, I'd say screw the Win32, focus on the X, GTK+ and Qt  
> ports and let the rest of the world smile with pleasure knowing they  
> actually produce the highest standards of publishing with such tools  
> the likes of which Springer Verlag, Addison-Wesley, Prentice Hall, so  
> on and so forth are more than happy to have in order to make their  
> jobs as publishing houses easier.

I'd also like to see more focus (especially) on GTK+.

> To all those that have developed this software your efforts have not  
> gone in vain as by the tens of thousands of email posts in this  
> mailing list should be proof enough.

I tried with XML technology, but I'm back to LyX/LaTeX not wanting to
look elsewhere.


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