Sven Schreiber ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Hi Sven!

> I don't understand why such a statement results in angry accusations.

I hope you didn't take my argument as a angry accusations, at least it
was not meant to be so, just a slightly provoking statement to backup your
statement :-)

> > People are using LyX/LaTeX for SERIOUS work, not to write 1-page letter,
> > and I don't understand for what you would use LyX if there would not be
> > win32 port?
> What I meant is I would not be able to use Lyx for job-related work,
> or put differently, it would be quite impractical. I would use it at
> home on Linux, but if it weren't cross-platform I would have to use
> something different in the office(s).

That's why I wrote that if you need a tool for a serious work, you can
have a dual-boot setup, launch Linux LiveCD or whatever to do your work
if the boss does not allow non-Win32 OS.

> I simply wanted to back the cross-platform strategy of the Lyx team.
> They (especially Angus) have worked hard for the Windows part, and
> this work deserves admiration. When this thread started I was worried
> about the implicit verdict that all that work was useless or even
> counterproductive. 

In the past I suggested to do wxWidgets port to achieve real
multi-platformability (although, when I think today about it, I'll
choose GTK+ but with Haskell) 'cause, imho, win32 port, xforms, qt, gtk
cannot be considered multi-platform solution.

Yes, there is code-share, but every individial port (win32, gtk) takes
away the energy & time of devs, and that's why I'd prefer to e.g. have
gtk port which could (if) cover Win32, Linux-like OS-es & MaC OS in one

However, since I cannot help in coding, I do not want to complain and
whine, but I'm trying to be grateful to LyX devs for everything what
they are doing (I'm with LyX since '99 and my 1st steps on Linux) and
help by some testing, reporting bugs, etc.

My hope is that LyX will atrract some new devs and that some new real
multi-platform port could be done in the future.

> So which is better: Me running Linux and Vmware, with my colleagues staying 
> away from Lyx, or everybody using native Lyx on Windows?

I'd say: better for you & your colleagues running LyX (on Linux) and
vmware - it will bring new users to both Linux & LyX :-)

Then, with more users on Linux desktop, more programmers will be interested to
program for Linux, more companies will give financial support by paying
some programmers to do full-time job on the open-source applications and
in the end the whole community will benefit.

There is another catch with Qt (have you read the recent decision of
Novell standardizing on GNOME desktop?) but I won't delve into it
producing more flame ;)


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