"Stephen Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> As it stands now, that decision [to make the default install path
> "C:\Program Files"] was a marketing decision, because the choice
> causes problem with porting programs to Windows which Microsoft
> doesn't gather revenue from. I'm sick of that ludicrous misnomer,
> "guideline" being applied to a proprietary money-making scheme which
> does nothing to benefit the operation of LyX&helpers.

Do you really mean that Microsoft decided on a default install path
with spaces just to annoy all the future Unix-centric programs being
ported to Windows?

> If you download a .bst file from the internet and put it into C:\My
> research papers along with research.lyx it doesn't work, not because
> of some alleged problem that reflects to C:\My Documents, but for
> the same reason C:\program files\texmf doesn't work. It has nothing
> to do with retraining.

And I consider both of these problems to be a bug when I encounter
them under Windows.  Spaces in paths are a *normal* thing under
Windows, and programs ported to Windows should be able to deal with
them.  If not, then I really think the problem lies with the program.

I use Linux myself and there we all know that spaces in file names are
nasty thing because they cause different problems for shell scripts.
So in Linux the norm is to avoid spaces, and so everything works fine.

But when I installed LyX for my girlfriend I made a directory called
`LyX Test' and fooled around in it to see what this thing was all
about.  And when I wanted to include a custom .bst file I placed it in
the same directory only to be met with errors.  Coming from Linux I
soon suspected the "weird" path name and renamed the directory --- and
things worked fine.

So please don't dismiss this as a WONTFIX bug... lots of people wont
have a Linux-savy boyfriend to help them out with these things :-)

Martin Geisler                                     GnuPG Key: 0x7E45DD38

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