Stephen Harris wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Micha feigin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Stephen Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 11:02 PM
Subject: Re: sixth release of LyXWinInstaller


David Carlisle
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 21:03:33 -0000

"I'm sorry but this isn't really a bug but a feature of the underlying
TeX system. Although LaTeX uses a brace delimited syntax, this
has to expand to the primitive TeX syntax, and

Micha feigin:
"Whatever the lame excuse, this is a bug and not a feature since everything works just fine under linux, spaces and all. Besides, everything else works with spaces so I don't see any reason why this shouldn't.

Beside the fact that people expect it to work with spaces in the path both in linux and in windows, so adapt the features to the people and not the people to the features." ...

SH: This is such a compelling and convincing argument that it
certainly deserves recognition from the forum for its perspicuous explanation of why, since it works on linux, that it should work on Windows. I will contribute only a Wordy, clarifying remark:

"Unix and Unix-like operating systems assign a device name to each device, but this is not how the files on that device are accessed. Instead, Unix creates a virtual file system, which makes all the files on all the devices appear to exist under one hierarchy. This means, in Unix, there is one root directory, and every file existing on the system is located under it somewhere."

You didn't say anything here. In windows you start the path with the drive letter in linux its just / it doesn't change anything with regard to the spaces.

I am saying that it is not a feature but either a bug or a design flow. The fact that it works on linux and not on windows and that windows handles spaces elsewhere means that either bibtex or latex are doing something wrong, esspecially since you need to expect spaces in windows (a lot of "regular" users in windows don't know how to move the home directory from C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\My Documents not to mention that its impossible with XP home edition, you need the professional for that.

If the people can't come to LyX, bring LyX to the $People, Stephen

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