On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 11:19:53PM +1300, john wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-01-26 at 09:27 +0000, Eric S Fraga wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 24, 2006 at 04:22:48PM -0600, Rafael Perez Pascual wrote:
> > > I am using lyx on  Debian Linux, the cursor is a one pixel line 
> > > very dificut to see, is it possible to have a larger cursor?
> > 
> > Yes, please, I would love to see an answer to this as it's the one niggly
> > bit about LyX I don't like! A block cursor would be ideal (as an option, of
> > course) but anything a bit more obvious than a 1 pixel wide bar on a 1600
> > wide display would help...
> How could a block cursor be placed between letters on the screen? 
> Would it displace all the text to its right?

Good question! 

Other applications I think basically invert the background colour under the
letter after the cursor?

In any case, I don't know the answer to the problem here, I've not looked at
the source code for LyX in years and I wouldn't know about the impact of any
potential solutions on portability. Therefore, it could be that the problem
is essentially unsolvable (given the potential effort required, that is).
However, it _is_ the one thing that does bother me about the LyX interface,
albeit not enough to make me want to use anything else. 

I use LyX all the time and in general it's absolutely fantastic!

 Eric S Fraga, Dept Chemical Engineering, UCL, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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